UMBC is establishing a student online learning working group to consider what additional support and resources we might provide to students adapting to the remote learning environment for the Fall 2020 semester. This group, Fostering Online Learning Improvement and Opportunity (FOLIO), will consist of a cohort of volunteer student peers, both undergraduate and graduate, who serve as a “brain trust”, for other students seeking information and resources regarding how to become successful, virtual learners in the time of COVID.
This group which will consist of members drawn from all colleges, UAA, FDC, DOIT, Student Affairs, Student Disability Services, undergraduate and graduate student representatives and faculty senate representatives.
The committee is now currently seeking Student Ambassadors to join an online working group to serve in a peer-mentor role, to offer advice or connections to students looking for information.
We are seeking a diverse group of student perspectives so if you are interested please email!