Health Administration and Policy Program Council of Majors
Student Organization • 20 people
Files / HAPPCOM 2013

9/25 minutes

HAPPCOM meeting 9/25

Guest speakers: National Association of Health Services Executives


-Do things relative to healthcare; don’t just do odd jobs

- Your experience should translate into career goals.

-Create your own roadmap

- Take no more than 1 year off of school after graduation if you want a break

-Start looking for entry-level jobs NOW (receptionist, admin assistant,clerk)  

-Job options: Explore the whole field (business, finance, epidemiology, community health, international analyst


-Fellowships/ residencies for health administration (some are rotating) 1year or rotational; good way to find job prospects

-Find what is important to you; how do you want your daily life to look like.

-Take job positions (internship, entry-level job) with a plan in mind and be honest with yourself & with your boss for how long you will stay there

Programs & Skill building through NAHSE

-Internships at Johns Hopkins University, University of Maryland

-Mock interview and resume building- what are they looking for in a health care professional field

Concerns about the HAPP program hat we discussed:

-Grad schools, taking the GRE, recommendation letters

-Transitioning into a job that is applicable


-No meeting Oct. 2nd

-Sign up to volunteer for the "Making Strides Walk" on Oct. 27th 

Email: Sarah Kuznear for more info

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