SPRING 2019 Master's in Historical Studies Graduates:
Piechowiak, Kayla
"An Exhibit of Women, By Women, But for Women?: The Limits of Interpretation at the Smithsonian"
Advisor: Professor Denise Meringolo
Ritchie, Jordan
"Underwood and Underwood Company: Early Twentieth Century Pioneers of American Photojournalism"
Advisor: Professor Denise Meringolo
Azucena Sandoval, Camilla
“What White Nonsense is this?” Investigating the Seldom Seen or Heard Stories of Latinxs in the National Register of Historic Places.
Advisor: Professor Melissa Blair
Rosen, Maayan
"Mistresses of the Press: The Roles of Women in Print Houses in 17th Century England"
Advisor: Professor Amy Froide