History students,
If you have not been advised and cleared to register for Spring semester, plan on coming to end of semester advising hours:
Wed 12/4 (today) 5:15-7 with Prof. Ritschel
Thurs 12/5 (tomorrow) Noon-4pm with Prof. Froide Rm 513
Tues 12/10 11-12:45 and 2:30 to 4:00 with Prof. Meringolo
After the last day of classes on Tues 12/10 there are no more regular advising hours.
You must meet a History advisor in person to be cleared to register. Being cleared does NOT mean that you have you to register right now. It just means you have been advised.
You can find out more about major/minor requirements at history.umbc.edu.
We look forward to seeing you,
Professor Froide, Chair, History Department