Please join the Department of Human Resources in extending a warm welcome to the University's recently hired staff:
Sarah Bayoh, MIPAR
Joesph Bucci, Athletics
Arianne Burroughs, Psychology
Jazmin Devonish, MIPAR
Martha Fields, Shriver Center
Marissa Fletcher, Shriver Center
Andrew Glenn, Research Protections & Compliance
Annette Howard-Jackson, Shriver Center
Jennifer Kelly, SAHAP
Duncan Mcnelis, Shriver Center
Teresa Michel, Graduate SchoolÂ
Arleesa Miller, Student Life
Dianne O'Grady-Cunniff, ECEP-Engineering Computing Educ
Massa Sammah, MIPAR
Jennifer Spencer Heilman, Career Center
Halley Thompson, Shriver Center
Madison Washington, Shriver Center