Per President Hrabowski’s April 14, 2018 Budget Update, this year’s budget includes a two percent (2%) faculty and staff cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) beginning January 1, 2019. We received further notification that eligible employees will receive an additional 0.5% increase and a $500 bonus on April 1, 2019. The following outlines how these increases will be applied:
- Regular faculty and staff, Contingent II and Graduate Assistants will receive the 2% COLA effective January 1, 2019. An additional 0.5% COLA will be awarded effective April 1, 2019.
- A one-time $500 bonus will be awarded to all regular faculty and staff, as well as Contingent II employees effective April 1, 2019. The bonus will be pro-rated for part-time employees (e.g., .50%= $250, .75%=$375, etc.). Graduate Assistants are not eligible for the one-time bonus.
- Contingent I employees will not be eligible for the COLA or one-time bonus.
The January 1, 2019 COLA will be reflected in the paycheck issued January 25, 2019. The April 1, 2019 COLA and bonus (for those eligible employees) will be reflected in the paycheck issued April 19, 2019. The Human Resources Department will send a separate communication to campus departments regarding the processing of these actions.
Questions regarding the COLA may be submitted to the HR Help link.