Effective immediately, UMBC is implementing a hiring process pause for all vacant regular and contingent I and II exempt and non-exempt staff positions.
The hiring pause process applies to all state-supported and unrestricted non-state-supported (auxiliary, DRIF, revolving) exempt, non-exempt and contingent I and II positions. The hiring pause does not apply to graduate assistants, students, faculty or 100 percent restricted funded (i.e., grants and contracts) positions.
Candidates who have received a written offer and accepted may proceed through the hiring process as planned.
Searches that are currently in process should be evaluated and either cancelled or put on hold. If the position is considered critical/essential, please submit a hiring exception request.
HR Employment staff will be contacting hiring managers and/or HR Liaisons for each current open search to discuss the status.
Human Resources will reassess the need to continue the hiring pause by April 30, 2020, and will communicate further with campus at that time.
Further information on the pause and the hiring exception request process is available at: https://hr.umbc.edu/hiring-pause/