Families First Coronavirus Relief Act (FFCRA) - Guidance for Graduate Assistants (GAs)
GAs are covered under the FFCRA and should discuss the need for COVID-19 related leave with their supervisors. The leave period requested must be during the GA's term of appointment to be eligible for FFCRA. Leave must be approved by both the GA's supervisor and the Associate Dean of the Graduate School. Please note that GAs approved for leave under the FFCRA will be required to submit the Completion of Duties per Pay Period form, for the duration of the leave.
Questions regarding GAs and FFCRA should be directed to Jeffrey Halverson, Associate Dean of the Graduate School (jeffhalv@umbc.edu) or Isabel Garrido, Assistant Dean for Administration, Policy and Compliance (garrido@umbc.edu).
Please consult the links below for additional information and to access the form to request FFCRA leave.