Did you know:
1. The end of the year will be here before you know it! Do you know the deadline for using excess leave before the new year? January 2, 2021. Some employees may not monitor their leave in enough time to prevent the risk of losing unused personal and excess annual leave at the end of each year. Remember, timesheets now display a "Year-End Vacation Forecast" figure for eligible employees. Try to use your leave. Don't forget, self care is important!
2. A couple of additional edits have been made to the electronic timesheet.
- A new feature has been added to the timesheet for employees who report time in and time out. The electronic timesheet will now give an error if an employee attempts to record work hours on a day that overlaps with work hours previously recorded on another timesheet. This functionality is useful for an employee who has concurrent jobs. This does not apply to duty day employees.
- The electronic timesheet will not show a holiday balance in the "Anticipated Current Balance" field. Due to the various schedule observances by employees, the potential for immediate University schedule changes, and the timing of leave calculations, it is best to exclude the holiday leave plan from the functionality. However, the holiday balance will continue to appear in the "As of" field.
Questions may be directed to my attention at mcnamara@umbc.edu.
Thank you.
Sherrell McNamara, HRIS Manager