Advertise Your Skills and Make Some Money With Taskopedia
posted almost 10 years ago
Hi there, if you have got any skills (web design, programming,languages, math, tutoring, photography, etc) that can earn you some freelance work or even an internship and make some money at the same time, then create a profile on Taskopedia. The objective of this website is to create a platform where skilled students can create a profile advertising their particular set of skills thus making it very easy for other students who might be interested in their skills to contact them. Using the MyUMBC discussion board has not been the most efficient way for such purposes.
We are also taking Taskopedia outside into the real world and to other colleges making it possible for individuals and even businesses to contact and hire students directly for various types of jobs. Think of Taskopedia as a niche version of LinkedIn catered primarily towards college students. This is a great way for us college students to earn some work experience while making money at the same time.
As an international student, this service will definitely improve your chances of getting an internship as well.
Did i also mention that we have a jobs section on the website where you can find the latest internships, part time and full time jobs available to college students from all over the state of Maryland?
Sign up now for an account and PLEASE PAW !!! lets get the word out.