Hello colleagues,
UMBC’s annual Maryland Charity Campaign is officially underway!
UMBC: Giving Back. This year’s message embodies the spirit of our institution, which has been recognized time and again as one of the most generous in the state. With your support, we can continue to show we are a community that cares by raising vital funds for nonprofit organizations that serve the surrounding community in many ways, from food and shelter to education and job training.
At this time, you should have received your Maryland Charity Campaign pledge form, which contains all of the information you need to donate to the charity or charities of your choice. If for some reason you have not yet received a pledge form, please contact your coordinator as soon as possible so that one can be provided to you. If you need assistance donating online, please visit our online help guide to learn more about the details and requirements of this year's campaign donation process.
Every year, hundreds of UMBC colleagues make a difference with their charitable giving through this campaign. There are few illustrations of our community's generosity and commitment more powerful than our collective participation in the Maryland Charity Campaign.
Thank you for giving this campaign your every consideration.
Karl Steiner and Nancy Young, 2017 Maryland Charity Campaign Co-chairs