Dear Members of the UMBC Community,
We are writing to update you about Governor Hogan’s operating budget request for the upcoming fiscal year. The Governor’s proposed FY 2020 budget demonstrates continued commitment to public higher education and strong confidence in UMBC as an innovative research university preparing large numbers of graduates for Maryland’s workforce.
The Governor’s budget for the University System of Maryland (USM) overall would fund a 4.2 percent increase in the System’s operating budget to help USM institutions meet rising costs. The proposed operating budget of $1.4 billion includes an additional $20 million designated for investments to increase degree production at UMBC and other campuses in fields of high workforce demand. This workforce initiative designates $4 million for UMBC programs offered on our main campus and at the Universities at Shady Grove.
The Governor has also proposed funds for a 3 percent COLA salary increase for faculty and staff effective July 1, 2019, to be added to the USM budget once approved by the General Assembly.
We are very grateful that the Governor has proposed a substantial base operating budget increase for UMBC to address the particular challenges our campus faces, including our enrollment growth, the high proportion of our students majoring in high-cost programs, and the lowest level of funding per student among Maryland research universities. The Governor’s budget includes $5 million for investments in instructional capacity in high-demand programs, student success initiatives, expanded research capacity, improved student support services, and administrative and infrastructure improvements. The Governor’s budget also includes $2 million authorized by Senate Bill 1052, which mandates that residential campuses with the lowest funding guideline attainment levels receive additional base funding between FY 2018 and FY 2021.
We also are pleased that the Governor’s capital budget includes $4 million to begin the Utilities Upgrade Project, a three-year project totaling $16 million.
The General Assembly will now consider and vote on the Governor’s operating and capital budget proposals. As in past years, the Board of Regents will not make final tuition rate decisions for the next academic year until legislators pass the budget.
It is vital that members and friends of the UMBC community encourage our legislators to support the Governor’s Workforce Initiative and proposed additional funding for UMBC. The confidence elected leaders have in our campus has everything to do with the excellence and achievements of UMBC faculty, staff, students, and alumni. Ours is a special community. Thank you for all you do to make it so.
President Freeman Hrabowski and Provost Philip Rous
We are writing to update you about Governor Hogan’s operating budget request for the upcoming fiscal year. The Governor’s proposed FY 2020 budget demonstrates continued commitment to public higher education and strong confidence in UMBC as an innovative research university preparing large numbers of graduates for Maryland’s workforce.
The Governor’s budget for the University System of Maryland (USM) overall would fund a 4.2 percent increase in the System’s operating budget to help USM institutions meet rising costs. The proposed operating budget of $1.4 billion includes an additional $20 million designated for investments to increase degree production at UMBC and other campuses in fields of high workforce demand. This workforce initiative designates $4 million for UMBC programs offered on our main campus and at the Universities at Shady Grove.
The Governor has also proposed funds for a 3 percent COLA salary increase for faculty and staff effective July 1, 2019, to be added to the USM budget once approved by the General Assembly.
We are very grateful that the Governor has proposed a substantial base operating budget increase for UMBC to address the particular challenges our campus faces, including our enrollment growth, the high proportion of our students majoring in high-cost programs, and the lowest level of funding per student among Maryland research universities. The Governor’s budget includes $5 million for investments in instructional capacity in high-demand programs, student success initiatives, expanded research capacity, improved student support services, and administrative and infrastructure improvements. The Governor’s budget also includes $2 million authorized by Senate Bill 1052, which mandates that residential campuses with the lowest funding guideline attainment levels receive additional base funding between FY 2018 and FY 2021.
We also are pleased that the Governor’s capital budget includes $4 million to begin the Utilities Upgrade Project, a three-year project totaling $16 million.
The General Assembly will now consider and vote on the Governor’s operating and capital budget proposals. As in past years, the Board of Regents will not make final tuition rate decisions for the next academic year until legislators pass the budget.
It is vital that members and friends of the UMBC community encourage our legislators to support the Governor’s Workforce Initiative and proposed additional funding for UMBC. The confidence elected leaders have in our campus has everything to do with the excellence and achievements of UMBC faculty, staff, students, and alumni. Ours is a special community. Thank you for all you do to make it so.
President Freeman Hrabowski and Provost Philip Rous