Dear UMBC Community Members,
As UMBC continues to respond to the worldwide impact of COVID-19 and the campus prepares for spring break, we are receiving a number of inquiries about travel and want to provide you with resources to help you be safe and healthy. For additional information on UMBC’s response to COVID-19, please visit our website. Currently there are no suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19 at UMBC.
Before traveling for spring break, please be sure you are aware of the risks of travel during this time. Please note that UMBC is prohibiting university-related travel to any country that is under a CDC Risk Assessment Level 1, 2, or 3 related to COVID-19. We also strongly advise against any international travel, independent of CDC levels. Non-essential national travel is also not advised.
If you choose to travel, know that even a country not currently experiencing an outbreak could be declared a high-risk area, resulting in heightened exposure to the virus, difficulty with departure, immigration barriers in returning to the U.S., and possible quarantine or self-isolation upon arriving in the U.S. If you are traveling in the U.S., be aware of how the area you are traveling to may be impacted and plan accordingly.
Finally, no matter where you will be during spring break, remember to keep basic health measures in mind to prevent the spread of any virus. This includes minimizing personal contact, including shaking hands.
If you are feeling unwell, please stay home and rest. Community members with underlying health conditions, who take medicines that suppress their immune system, who are 65 or older, or who have other risk factors, should consult with their health provider immediately if they have cold or flu symptoms. If you believe you may have been exposed to COVID-19, call your personal health provider.
Lynne Schaefer, Vice President, Finance and Administration and Nancy Young, Vice President for Student Affairs
Co-Chairs, UMBC Crisis Management Executive Team