UMBC COVID-19 Action Update
March 11, 2020
Campus Status: Currently, there are no suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19, also known as coronavirus, at UMBC.
This update will contain new information for each day. For the most updated information and more information on actions to reduce COVID-19 risks in our community, please visit
Student Services and Support
Residential students received guidance today from Residential Life regarding vacating campus. Residential life is closing for 8-month communities on Friday, March 13th at 8pm. Students in 9-month areas are expected to vacate by Saturday, March 14th at 12 noon.
Students with concerns about their housing, or risks associated with their city of destination, should contact Residential Life.
We understand that students, parents, and families have many questions about impacts on academics, residential life, and finances. We have teams working to address these concerns and will provide updates in future communications.
Mail and deliveries will continue as normal on Thursday, March 12, and Friday, March 13.
All events and meetings scheduled to take place on UMBC property have been either canceled or postponed from Thursday, March 12, through at least Sunday, April 5, 2020.
Currently, internal University business meetings may go on as scheduled either online or through use of social distancing. This video can help you understand the practice of good social distancing behavior.
Events scheduled to take place after Sunday, April 5 will continue to be evaluated as the situation evolves.
All RAC activities to include fitness facility activities and equipment use are canceled or postponed starting Thursday, March 12 until at least Sunday, April 5. The RAC will remain open for staff who work in the building.
On Thursday, March 12, and Friday, March 13, dining services will continue to be provided to students living on campus.
With the exception of spring break (March 16-18), the following retail dining venues will be open for faculty and staff working on campus: Admin Coffee Shop, The Market (Outtakes) in the Commons, and 2Mato in the Commons.
Retriever Essentials Food Zones will be open to the campus community on Thursday, March 12 and Friday, March 13. Details available here.
Following guidance from the Governor, all university-related, out-of-state travel for faculty, students, or staff, is currently suspended.
More information is available on the website.
Academic Continuity and Faculty Support
Classes are canceled Thursday, March 12, and Friday, March 13 to provide time for faculty to convert to online course delivery.
UMBC faculty will begin teaching classes online starting on March 23 for at least two weeks.
Support for online instruction is available here.
Business Continuity and Staff Support
We expect guidance very soon from the University System of Maryland regarding staff schedules, student staff, telework, leave, etc.
Individuals who feel they may have medical reasons to stay home should discuss options with their supervisor.
If you have questions or concerns, please email them to