Dear Faculty and Staff,
We appreciate your patience during this rapidly evolving situation. Yesterday, we received additional guidance from the University System of Maryland (USM) regarding remote work and leave policies. USM is working to comply with the Governor’s directive to move all employees to remote work. You can read an update from the Chancellor here. This message shares highlights from that guidance and UMBC resources. This information also applies to UMBC staff at the Universities at Shady Grove.
The university will be open, although campus facilities will be closed. All employees who can work remotely should do so. Please work with your supervisor to determine your tasks, workloads, and reporting structures. Only essential personnel who have been notified by their supervisors should report to campus.
The restriction on teleworking from home when caring for children or other dependents will be waived if the employee believes they can safely and productively telework while providing any necessary care.
Employees in regular and contingent 2 positions who are not on previously approved leave of any type and are in positions that are not appropriate for telework will be given administrative leave.
If you are working remotely, mark your timesheet as a duty day. Non-exempt employees who work remotely will receive administrative leave, as well as overtime compensation for any hours actually worked. If you and your supervisor determine that you cannot work from home, you will be granted administrative leave. We will provide further guidance on this procedure in the coming days.
We recognize and appreciate that in these extenuating circumstances that employees will need to use their personal computers when working remotely. If you are in a position that deals with personal identification information for students or employees, please check with your supervisor before doing so. For technical assistance on working remotely, the Division of Information Technology provides a variety of helpful resources.
For employees who are sick with a potential COVID-19 related-illness but who do not have adequate leave, our leave donation program will be made available for these situations. We have extended the leave donation program to include contingent 1 and contingent 2 staff, hourly faculty, and student employees. If you are in this situation, please have your supervisor make Human Resources aware so we can guide you through the leave donation program.
UMBC's Incident Management Team
We appreciate your patience during this rapidly evolving situation. Yesterday, we received additional guidance from the University System of Maryland (USM) regarding remote work and leave policies. USM is working to comply with the Governor’s directive to move all employees to remote work. You can read an update from the Chancellor here. This message shares highlights from that guidance and UMBC resources. This information also applies to UMBC staff at the Universities at Shady Grove.
The University will remain closed through March 18 for spring break (and through March 22 for students). The University will reopen on Thursday, March 19, with employees working remotely (facilities will remain closed).
What happens on Thursday, March 19?
Who is eligible for remote work?
All UMBC employees are eligible, including: any graduate assistant, postdoctoral fellow, researcher, regular faculty or staff member, contingent 1 or contingent 2 employee, student employee, adjunct faculty member, hourly faculty member, or any other employee whose duties can be accomplished via remote work safely and productively.
Can I work remotely while caring for children or dependents?
What if my duties cannot be accomplished remotely?
Contingent I and student employees may be assigned remote work or alternative work assignments. Employees in these categories, as well as graduate assistants and adjunct faculty, who cannot work remotely will remain in paid status. We are still developing the processes needed to make this happen.
We recognize that for many employees this is not a simple question to answer. We will continue to provide clarity in the coming days and are committed to taking care of our employees and their families. Please continue to share specific inquiries at
How do I fill out my timesheet if I am working remotely?
Can I access my building during this time of remote work?
We recognize that some employees may need to return to campus to access offices and research spaces in the coming days. If you need to and are unable to access your building, please call the UMBC Police Department at 410-455-5555. Staff will be in place to assist you. For the safety of all, please limit your visits as much as possible.
Can I use my personal computer to perform work during this time?
What if I am sick?
This is a rapidly evolving situation. We are working to amend our policies to make accommodations for employees who are unwell due to COVID-19. At this time, leave-eligible employees who are unwell or are caring for an unwell dependent should continue to mark sick time on their timesheets.
To help the University track absences related to COVID-19, employees should complete the Coronavirus-Related Absence Tracking Form. Information reported on this form will be shared in summary form only (non-identifiable) and will be used to assist decision-makers responsible for determining if the University should close any or all of its operations, in relation to this virus. In addition, for COVID-19-related absences and quarantine periods, employees who do not obtain medical documentation from their healthcare provider may instead complete the Work Absence Affidavit.
Note: Normal absence procedures apply for illness and/or other requests for leave time not related to COVID-19.
Please continue to submit your questions to Human Resources at