Dear UMBC Community,
The COVID-19 Incident Management Team is committed to keeping the campus informed during this evolving public health emergency. On Sunday, we first notified you of an individual being tested for COVID-19. We have also been made aware of an additional situation, in which an individual who attended Faculty Senate on March 10 when feeling well is also now experiencing symptoms and being tested for COVID-19. Test results are not yet available for either individual, and we expect to hear about more of these situations in the days to come. Please note that so far we have no knowledge of any positive cases in our community.
Given that COVID-19 is now circulating in Maryland, and based on public health guidance, we will no longer be communicating when individuals report symptoms of COVID-19 and will continue to emphasize prevention messages. We will communicate if a UMBC community member tests positive for the virus. If that individual has recently been on campus while symptomatic, we will also work alongside the health departments to identify, contact, and advise those with direct contact to individuals who have tested positive. This guidance may continue to evolve.
Given how widespread we now know exposure to be and following Governor Hogan’s emergency orders, we remind you that beginning Thursday March 19, all campus offices and departments will be open but the physical campus will be closed. Only people with explicit permission should be on campus. All other staff, faculty, and students should be off-campus, with employees working remotely or on leave. The University System of Maryland recently released additional guidance on implementing remote work and advice for those in at-risk groups.
We also urge everyone in our community to follow personal health guidance to mitigate the impact of COVID-19, including self-monitoring for respiratory symptoms, diligent handwashing and cleaning of surfaces, social distancing at home and beyond, taking extra precautions when interacting with those at high risk of complications, avoiding large gatherings, and communicating this advice to others.
Thank you for your patience and community spirit during this challenging time. We encourage you to remain in touch by following updates to our website and contacting us with any questions at
Paul Dillon, Chief of Police and Commander, Incident Management Team