Campus Status: The University is open, with employees working remotely. Facilities will remain closed.
For the most updated information and more information on actions to reduce COVID-19 risks in our community, please visit
Student Services and Support
- University Health Services is now providing services remotely from 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. on weekdays. Please visit their website or call 410-455-2542 for more information. If you have non-emergency health concerns outside of regular business hours and wish to speak with someone from UMBC’s After-Hours Support Line, please call 410-455-3230.
- If you are experiencing a physical health emergency while on campus, please call UMBC Police at 410-455-5555. If you are off campus, please call 911 or go to the nearest hospital emergency room.
- Students on the Aetna Student Health Plan should review these additional resources.
- The Counseling Center is providing students with crisis support remotely via WebEx and phone from 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. on weekdays. Please call 410-455-2472.
- Because UMBC is a Vitalsource campus, UMBC students can access a course material library of 50,000+ digital titles and borrow up to seven. Learn more here.
Academic Continuity
- UMBC has announced grading options for Spring 2020. Please make sure to review both the undergraduate and graduate messages.
- Please see this new article by Dr. Katherine Seley-Radtke, Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry: Could chloroquine treat coronavirus? 5 questions answered about a promising, problematic and unproven use for an antimalarial drug.
- UMBC is currently operating in a Research Maintenance Mode. Primary Investigators and lab staff must apply to be on campus through the Access Exception Form. More information is available here.
Business Continuity and Staff Support
- The University’s Employee Assistance Program has released a customized site with resources for UMBC faculty and /staff.
- Effective today, the University is implementing a hiring process pause around the recruitment of all staff (non-faculty) positions. With the majority of employees working remotely, we are not able to effectively welcome and onboard new staff members at this time. Departments with a critical staffing need may submit a hiring exception request. Further details can be found here.
- During this time of extensive remote work, we encourage you to be vigilant about your online security. The number of scams and phishing messages circulating around our community and the Internet has increased significantly. In order to keep up with the new threats to our community, the Division of Information Technology has created a comprehensive security website. If you see suspicious activity or have information security questions, please contact DoIT Security at
- Please review HR’s Remote Work Guidance for COVID-19 for engagement strategies, tips, and resources. Stay tuned on this site for continued updates and resources as they are announced.
- A reminder that the evaluation period for the PMP ends on March 31, as scheduled. Human Resources is currently working to develop an online signature capability for required forms and hopes to roll out this process in mid-April. As such, the deadline for submission of these documents will be extended.
- In order to fully report the financial impact of COVID-19 to the University System of Maryland, the State of Maryland, and other organizations, please track all expenses related to COVID-19 separately. Guidance for collecting expenses can be found here.
- Only faculty and staff with explicit permission from their supervisors should be on campus. We understand that faculty and staff may need to access their offices on a one-time basis. If you need to do so, please call UMBC Police at 410-455-5555. Visits should be limited to 30 minutes or less.
If you have questions or concerns, please email
In the midst of challenging times, the UMBC community always finds ways to support each other. Check out how Retrievers are staying #UMBCTogether even though we’re physically apart: