Campus Status: The University is open, with employees working remotely. Facilities will remain closed. Maryland is currently under a Stay at Home Order and face-coverings are required when in retail establishments and public transportation.
For the most updated information and more information on actions to reduce COVID-19 risks in our community, please visit
Student Services and Support
- International Education Services is holding bi-weekly town halls on Fridays at 4 p.m. Join the meeting on Friday, April 24 here and submit questions in advance here.
- UHS Health Promotions and Counseling Center staff are working together to share wellness tips and resources. Read their new post on mindfulness and check the UHS Health Promotions myUMBC group for future posts.
- UMBC is collecting memories and messages of gratitude from the Class of 2020 for potential use in Commencement communications, social media, UMBC Magazine, and beyond. Graduates, share your story by Monday, April 27.
Academic Continuity
- Summer Session 2020 is now entirely online. Visit the revised schedule of classes for updated information.
- The Faculty Development Center is hosting virtual discussions and sessions to support faculty in effective online teaching approaches--approaches designed to keep students on track toward meeting learning outcomes. For an example see our upcoming discussions on designing a coherent online course.
Business Continuity and Staff Support
- Human Resources introduced a new DocuSign PMP form to allow for remote submission of annual evaluations for regular exempt and non exempt employees. For more information on this new submission process, as well as general information and guidance around the PMP process, please visit the PMP webpage.
- UMBC’s EAP Program is hosting a webinar: Coping with Uncertainty About COVID-19. You can view the full webinar series in the myUMBC training group.
- On April 1 2020, employees were notified of their rights and benefits under the Family First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA). Specific guidance related to UMBC's process to administer this temporary benefit will be provided as it becomes available. In the meantime, employees in need of this leave should contact Sherrell McNamara at
- Only employees with a letter from their supervisor or students that are approved for late stay should be on campus. If you have an emergency need to visit campus, call UMBC Police Deputy Chief Bruce Perry at 443-677-2195 or Lieutenant Derrick Johns at 410-207-0850.
Our UMBC community always finds ways to support each other. Check out how Retrievers are staying #UMBCtogether even though we’re physically apart:
If you have questions or concerns, please email