Campus Status: The University is open, with employees working remotely. Facilities will remain closed. Maryland is currently under a Stay at Home Order.
For the most updated information and more information on actions to reduce COVID-19 risks in our community, please visit
Student Services and Support
- SGA and Student Affairs are hosting a forum on student support and will share results from the student well-being survey on Wednesday, April 29 at noon.
- View a Message to Student Retrievers from UMBC’s Career Center Director.
- The physical library remains closed, but Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is still accepting requests and may be able to connect you with materials you need (even if those materials are physically located in the Library.) Visit the ILL website. The latest updates on Library services are frequently updated here.
- Campus Life's Mosaic, Interfaith, & Pride Centers now has an Instagram account; follow @umbc_clmosaicinterfaithpride for information about virtual events, including ReFresh Fridays wellness activities. Staff are also available for virtual appointments. While the Seventh Annual Lavender Awards is cancelled, you can still honor the contributions of some of our most dedicated and committed LGBTQ+ community members, and graduating seniors and graduate students can receive a lavender cord.
Academic Continuity
- Due to continued travel advisories, all Study Abroad programs for fall 2020 have been canceled. More information and resources for students are available here.
- Summer Session 2020 is now entirely online. Visit the revised schedule of classes for updated information.
- Read Chancellor Perman’s Op-Ed in The Baltimore Sun: Maryland university system playing its part in battle against coronavirus
- Lucy Wilson, emergency health services helped create Roadmap to Recovery: A Public Health Guide for Governors with the National Governors Association.
- Zoe McLaren, public policy, is featured in A Skeptic’s Guide To Ecologic Studies During A Pandemic.
Business Continuity and Staff Support
- Human Resources introduced a new DocuSign PMP form to allow for remote submission of annual evaluations for regular exempt and non exempt employees. For more information on this new submission process, as well as general information and guidance around the PMP process, please visit the PMP webpage.
- Only employees with a letter from their supervisor or students that are approved for late stay should be on campus. If you have an emergency need to visit campus, call UMBC Police Deputy Chief Bruce Perry at 443-677-2195 or Lieutenant Derrick Johns at 410-207-0850.
Our UMBC community always finds ways to support each other. Check out how Retrievers are staying #UMBCtogether even though we’re physically apart:
If you have questions or concerns, please email