Campus Status: The University is open, with employees working remotely. Facilities will remain closed. Maryland is currently under a Stay at Home Order.
For the most updated information and more information on actions to reduce COVID-19 risks in our community, please visit
Help us stay connected and celebrate our community at our new UMBCtogether website! Share your story using #UMBCtogether.
Student Services and Support
- UMBC has been granted a pool of funds through the CARES Act Emergency Grant to offer to students who are experiencing financial difficulties. The Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships will be contacting students directly who meet the eligibility requirement for the grant with instructions.
- View a recording of last week’s Student Support Forum.
- The Counseling Center new blog post focuses on skills to build resilience.
- Check out Stay Connected with Student Affairs.
Academic Continuity
- The Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery continues to support the campus community. In addition to online resources that are available through the Library's website, we are committed to acquiring access to additional online materials that might be needed to support continuing online instruction. Faculty requests for materials necessary for online teaching or research can be sent to
Business Continuity and Staff Support
- The University’s hiring process pause around the recruitment of all staff (non-faculty) positions will continue at this time. Departments with a critical staffing need may continue to submit a hiring exception request. Further details can be found here.
- UMBC’s EAP Program is hosting a webinar: Navigating Your Work From Home Transition. You can view the full webinar series in the myUMBC training group.
- Please note that during the student move-out process, other campus buildings will remain closed and students will be unable to access labs or other spaces.
- Only employees with a letter from their supervisor or students that are approved for late stay should be on campus. If you have an emergency need to visit campus, call UMBC Police Deputy Chief Bruce Perry at 443-677-2195 or Lieutenant Derrick Johns at 410-207-0850.
UMBC Together
- We need to hear from you! Fill out this survey on community needs by May 24. (corrected link)
- Join the UMBC Together myUMBC group. This is where we will post discussion topics and share resources and information.
- Share a story about Retriever resilience. We would love to know about the wonderful things you're doing and hearing within our community.
If you have questions or concerns, please email