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Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal Real-time Spectral Rendering of Atmospheric Optical Phenomena Ari Blenkhorn 2:00pm Wednesday, 10 June 2015, ITE 352 Glories, rainbows, and coronas are colorful...
June 5, 2015
8:21 AM
CSEE Ph.D. student Alexander Nelson and faculty Ryan Robucci and Nilanjan Banerjee participated in the monthly TechBreakfast MeetUp where they demonstrated the research on developing 'invisible'...
May 30, 2015
3:33 PM
Transforming big data into smart data: deriving value via harnessing volume, variety and velocity using semantics and semantic web Professor Amit Sheth Wright State University 11:00am...
May 17, 2015
3:24 PM
UMBC's Imaging Research Center worked more than two years recreating how Baltimore would have looked in the early 1800s. The goal is to create an accurate 3D model of the city, its terrain, land...
May 15, 2015
12:04 PM
CSEE faculty member Tulay Adali has been appointed as a Distinguished University Professor for UMBC. Professor Adali is being recognized for: "…outstanding theoretical contributions to the...
May 14, 2015
9:22 AM
UMBC Cyber Defense Lab Verifying Security Properties of Cryptographic Protocols with CPSA Edward V. Zieglar Jr. Analysis and Design Methods DoD Trusted Systems Research Group 12-1pm,...
May 11, 2015
9:47 AM
Mobile Computing and Smart Home Automation Systems Demonstrations UMBC Students in CMSC 628 and 691 12:00-1:30pm Tuesday, 12 May 2015 Third floor main corridor, ITE Building The students...
May 10, 2015
2:14 PM
CSEE Ph.D. student Kavita Krishnaswamy will give a talk entitled Robotics for Independence sponsored by Refresh Baltimore on May 20 at 7:00pm. The talk will be given at Betamore, 1111 Light Street...
May 9, 2015
7:57 PM
CSEE professor Cynthia Matuszek was interviewed on her research on gender bias in online images associated with occupations by the CBC Spark radio program on technology trends. The research was...
May 5, 2015
9:33 AM
Ph.D. Dissertation Defense A Semantic Resolution Framework for Integrating Manufacturing Service Capability Data Yan Kang 10:00am Monday 27 April 2015, ITE 217b Building flexible...
April 25, 2015
1:40 PM