Hi everyone,
We are pleased to have Ms. Zehra Zaidi, Director of Product Management at Qlarant, speak our meeting on Wednesday March 11, 2020 during Free Hour. Her talk will be on How to Be Successful in Project Management and Systems Analysis.
Ms. Zehra Zaidi has worked in the defense, healthcare, and private sectors for approximately 20 years. She has experience working in several different professions including Project Manager, Systems Analyst, and Web Application Developer at Lockheed Martin, 5AM Solutions, Quality Health Strategies, General Electric Global Exchange Services, and Qlarant. She also is an Adjunct Faculty Member in the Information Systems Department at UMBC. She has taught upper level courses such as IS 448: Markup and Scripting Languages and IS 436: Structured Systems Analysis & Design.
More specifically, she will be discussing how to transition from undergrad to the work force and what skills and experience are needed in order to be successful as a Systems Analyst and Project Manager. Finally, she will give her advice on how to gain the necessary skills and experience for those positions.
If you are interested in becoming a Systems Analyst or Project Manager, this is not an event to miss. We hope to see you there!
~Your ISSA Board