This Week's JCET Seminar
Speaker: Nicole Trenholm
Greetings Colleagues:
This week's JCET seminar will be given by Nicole Trenholm, entitled “Arctic Tidal-Glacial System Ecological Response from Ocean Warming Forcing.”
Recommended Reading:
Willis, J.K., D. Carroll, I. Fenty, G. Kohli, A. Khazendar, M. Rutherford, N. Trenholm, and M. Morlighem. 2018. Ocean-ice interactions in Inglefield Gulf: Early results from NASA’s Oceans Melting Greenland mission. Oceanography 31(2),
Morlighem, M., Williams, C. N., Rignot, E., An, L., Arndt, J. E., Bamber, J. L., … Zinglersen, K. B. (2017). BedMachine v3: Complete bed topography and ocean bathymetry mapping of Greenland from multibeam echo sounding combined with mass conservation. Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 11,051–11,061.
Fenty, I., J.K. Willis, A. Khazendar, S. Dinardo, R.
Forsberg, I. Fukumori, D. Holland, M. Jakobsson, D. Moller, J. Morison, A.
Münchow, E. Rignot, M. Schodlok, A.F. Thompson, K. Tinto, M. Rutherford, and N.
Trenholm. 2016. Oceans Melting Greenland: Early results from NASA’s ocean-ice
mission in Greenland. Oceanography 29(4):72–83,
Link to Seminar Schedule