For God so Loved the World . . .
Check-in and community time
Wednesday, September 23, 2020 · 7 - 8 PM
Wednesday is our night just to check-in and be community- with new folks and folks we've already met. If you need a place to be welcomed, drop in and join us.
This semester, we're getting to gather around some videos of an amazing Biblical storyteller and this week she's telling the story of Nicodemus- someone who was confused about what Jesus was talking about and just didn't get it, so he came in the dark of night to ask for more explanation. And Jesus frankly made it even more confusing!
And this passage from John 3 includes those words you often see held up at football games (when fans actually got to be at them . . .)- John 3:16: "For God so loved the world. . ."
Come to hear the words and discuss them together. and if they don't make much sense to you, you're in good company with Nicodemus.
All people and all viewpoints welcome. We really mean that.