Below are a list of LGBTQ+ events happening in the month of November. This list will be updated as new events are announced, so keep an eye out!
- November 4th, 4 pm: Between Women, a discussion for women-identified students in the LGBTQ+ community. Located in the Women's Center. Find out more information from the myUMBC post here!
- November 13th, 12 pm: LGBTQ+ Fall Formal Mask Decorating, an even to decorate masks for wear at the fall formal on Friday! Located on Commons Terrace. Find out more information through the myUMBC post here!
- November 14th, 4 pm: Spectrum Discussion group, a closed discussion for trans and nonbinary members of the UMBC Community. This month's is on mental health. Located in the Women's Center. Find out more in the myUMBC post here!
- November 15th, 7 pm: LGBTQ+ Fall formal, a prom-like event for LGBTQ+ students in a welcoming environment. Located in the UC Ballroom. Find out more information and get tickets through the myUMBC page here!
- November 18th, 4 pm: Between Women, a discussion for women-identified students in the LGBTQ+ community. Located in the Women's Center. Find out more information fromĀ the myUMBC post here!
- November 20th, 12 pm: Transgender Day of Rememberance Healing Space, a closed event for trans and nonbinary students. Located in the Women's Center. Find out more information from the myUMBC post here!
- November 26th, 4 pm: LGBTQ+ 101 Panel, a panel hosted by the LSU about the basics of being an LGBTQ+ person! Located in the SportsZone. Find out more information or sign up to help out through the myUMBC post here!
In addition to these events, the LSU will be having their weekly meetings as usual!
If you have any questions feel free to get in contact with our board members and we hope to see you at some of these events!