This post was written by Special Collections Student Assistant Jagruti Chinchwadkar.
Special Collections is pleased to introduce the new Scannx Book ScanCenter to our researchers. Researchers will now be able to scan books and documents on their own and save it to their USB drive free of charge!
The Scannx Book Scanner is a drop edge (or zero edge) scanner that allows you to scan documents flat or to scan bound materials like books without damaging the spine. Please show the items you wish to scan Special Collections staff who will evaluate the condition of the material. If it’s not too fragile, we’ll show you how to do the scanning – it’s easy!
I have had the opportunity to use the Scanner and I found it user-friendly, quick and easy to use. Its large friendly buttons guide the user through scan process from choosing file formats, to scan quality, color depth, file naming and destinations. It has ample flatbed surface and every page comes back is crisp and clear. It provides high quality scans and converts scanned images into PDF, searchable PDF, Word, TIFF, or PNG file formats automatically. We’ll show you how to scan things without damaging them and making sure they stay in their proper order, and instructions for its use can also be found next to the workstation. Make sure to bring your own USB drive!
Don’t have time for using the scanner? Need scans of photographs? No need to worry, we can do it for you for a fee.
Special Collections is open Monday - Wednesday 1 - 4pm, Thursday 1 - 8pm and Friday 1 - 4pm, also by appointment Monday - Friday from 9:00am - 4:30pm. Contact: | 410.455.2353
Thanks Jagruti!