We’ve all been there - sometimes the date slips your mind, and next thing you know you’ve got overdue library books! So what happens next?
First off: don’t panic! The fine for late books or DVDs is only $0.50 per day! Other fines, like for laptops and equipment, are a little higher. You can check the full list of fine amounts here: http://library.umbc.edu/circulation.php#fees
If you can’t get to the library immediately, try renewing the item. You’ll still have the original fines, but you’ll stop accruing more. (Note: not all items can be renewed. For example, a recalled book cannot be renewed this way. But it’s worth a try!)
When you’re ready to pay your fine, head to the Check Out Desk. Payment options are Campus Cash, credit card, or check. (Note: you can only pay your bill at the library for the first 30 days. After that, the Student Business Office takes over.)
Do you have a question about your fine? You can contact the Circulation Department for answers at 410-455-2354. If you would like to appeal a fine, please fill out the Library Fine Appeal Form.
First off: don’t panic! The fine for late books or DVDs is only $0.50 per day! Other fines, like for laptops and equipment, are a little higher. You can check the full list of fine amounts here: http://library.umbc.edu/circulation.php#fees
If you can’t get to the library immediately, try renewing the item. You’ll still have the original fines, but you’ll stop accruing more. (Note: not all items can be renewed. For example, a recalled book cannot be renewed this way. But it’s worth a try!)
When you’re ready to pay your fine, head to the Check Out Desk. Payment options are Campus Cash, credit card, or check. (Note: you can only pay your bill at the library for the first 30 days. After that, the Student Business Office takes over.)
Do you have a question about your fine? You can contact the Circulation Department for answers at 410-455-2354. If you would like to appeal a fine, please fill out the Library Fine Appeal Form.