With AOK Library's Virtual Study Room, you can work alongside your fellow Retrievers for a focused study environment. Drop in during open hours.
Enter the WebEx Virtual Study Room during open hours: https://umbc.webex.com/meet/VSR
Open Hours for August 27 - December 16
- Mondays 11 AM - 3 PM
- Tuesdays 11 AM - 2 PM and 4 PM - 6 PM
- Wednesdays 11 AM - 3 PM
- Thursdays 2 PM - 6 PM
- Fridays 2 PM - 4 PM
What to Expect
An AOK Library staff member will greet you in the chat box and ask you what you're working on. You don't need to share if you'd rather not, but doing so might help you keep on task!
The staff member will check in with you periodically to ask you how your work is going and if you need any help.
You have the option to show your face, which can help you to stay focused and at your computer. But this is totally optional. Your microphone will remain muted during your visit.
Instrumental music will be playing, but you can mute it if you prefer.
This virtual study room is set up as a shared community that is welcoming and respectful of all. Those who engage in inappropriate behavior will be immediately removed from the room. Offensive, obscene, threatening, discriminatory, or otherwise inappropriate language or content sharing is strictly prohibited.