Call for Chapters - Current Trends in Graduate Historical Research Book Series
Attention Professors, Doctoral Candidates, and Graduate Students:
We are pleased to announce that Eastern Illinois University has partnered with Common Ground Publishing to publish the first in a yearly series of peer reviewed edited collections consisting of work by graduate and doctoral students. Applicants will be expected to participate in the peer review and will gain experience in the publishing process while competing for publication in a professional edited collection. We seek papers in all periods and fields of history and are particularly interested in original and innovative primary research projects that make demonstrated contributions to the relevant historiography.
Individual proposals should include a 250 word abstract and a CV. Please submit proposals to no later than January 15, 2016.
Please address any inquiries to Authors will be notified on decisions for the next stage of peer review by February 16, 2016. Accepted authors can expect to revise their submissions based on the peer review from April to August 2016. Publication is expected in December 2016.