LLC is pleased to announce that Tamisha Ponder, of LLC Cohort 19, successfully and skillfully presented her dissertation research proposal to her full committee on June 26, 2019. Her topic is titled, “Undergraduate Black Women Activism During #BlackLivesMatter: An Oral History Project.”
After Tamisha’s presentation, she and her committee had a substantive discussion surrounding her topic and methodological approach. They determined that her project was worthy of doctoral study and provided useful advice on how to move forward with her research.
After Tamisha’s presentation, she and her committee had a substantive discussion surrounding her topic and methodological approach. They determined that her project was worthy of doctoral study and provided useful advice on how to move forward with her research.
Many thanks to Tamisha’s committee members:
Dr. Beverly Bickel (LLC), Chair
Dr. Michelle Scott (History), Co-chair
Dr. Kimberly Moffitt (LLC)
Dr. George Derek Musgrove (History)Dr. Liz Patton (MCS)Please join us in congratulating Tamisha on reaching this significant milestone! She can now apply for candidacy.