Congratulations to Jamie for wining the outstanding faculty awards at Montgomery College for scholarship and professional accomplishment.
Office of the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Office of the Senior Vice President for Student Affairs
April 22, 2020
To: Professor Jamie Gillan, English
From: Dr. Sanjay Rai, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Dr. Monica R. M. Brown, Senior Vice President for Student Affairs
Subject: Montgomery College Outstanding Full-time Faculty Award
Upon the nomination of your peers and the recommendation of a committee of faculty and administrators, we are pleased to present you with a Montgomery College Outstanding Faculty Award for Excellence in Scholarly or Professional Accomplishment Award for the academic year 2019 - 2020. This award recognizes your outstanding teaching and sustained contributions to your department, your campus, the College, and the community.
We are very grateful for your continuing dedication and commitment to Montgomery College. The College prides itself on the quality of its faculty, and your selection from many deserving nominees distinguishes you as one of those for whom excellence is the norm. You, indeed, are a role model for your colleagues. Take pride in your many accomplishments, and please accept my sincere thanks for your service to the College and our students.
Congratulations on this honor.