Those Who Are Tournament Competitors
and only those, not people who are casual players
posted over 13 years ago
Please report your summoner name so I dont have to look you up, and post a role you prefer. The usual competitive team comp includes:
The AP Carry - Characters like Brand, Annie, etc... who take mid lane. You need map awareness, and know how to 1v1 well in mid.
The Range AD Carry - Characters like Ashe, Caitlyn. Corki, etc....usually bottom lane with a support champ. Must be able to last hit and farm EXTREMELY well.
The Jungler - Characters like Udyr, Trundle, Lee Sin, etc...You need to be on top of wards, jungle timers for Red, Blue, Dragon, and Baron (your team will help you) and being able to support lanes to achieve kills. A Fast jungle is better!
The Support - Characters like Sona, Jana, Soraka, Taric, Alistar, etc....Your job is to support the team late game, but early to mid game you will be bottom lane helping the AD carry get farm and hopefully kills.
The Tank/Bruiser Solo Top - This person will be taking the solo top lane. Your job is to win your lane by killing and/or out farming your opponent. Characters like Chogath, Udyr, Irelia, etc....are all good solo top bruisers or tanks.
Please post your summoner name, and what role you prefer to play! *Note* - When you take a role on this team, you will need to know your section of characters inside and out and must own all of the key ones. For example, our AP carry needs to know how to play, and play well, all of the AP carries, not just 1 or 2. Teams can ban/counter ban their opponents, so knowing every champion in your role is key to success. If you have a category that you prefer but are not 100% sure how to play all of them, we can work on it as practice goes on.
Summoner Name -FBGM N Sauce
Role - I can play AD Carry or Solo Top Bruiser/Tank.
(edited over 13 years ago)