Apologies for my absence
I know yall missed daddy <3
posted over 13 years ago
I was not on much after the meeting a week ago from last friday. I had some problems come up including a stomach bug and some relationship problems with my girlfriend. I want to apologize for my absence last week and my lack of participation with the club. I also want to thank Angela for stepping up and taking control to keep the ball rolling while I was gone.
Now that is out of the way, I would like to say that I will be 100% active again and the Discussions lurker I was before. I will be posting some information for the people who are interested in competitive teams. It will be almost like a brag sheet for the players so we can get an idea of competitive backgrounds. Skills and smarts are just as important as experience. That will be up hopefully later this afternoon as well as an updated list of players who want to play competitively. Thank you for your understanding and to those of you who aren't understanding....well hmphhhh!!!! *pouts* lol