Join the URCAD excitement
Have fun, learn about research, earn service hours. Read about volunteer opportunities and sign up online. Help needed in two hour blocks from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
April 12, 2013
4:44 PM
URCAD up close and personal
Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement Day (URCAD) is a huge event at UMBC. Find out why. Volunteer for two hours or the whole day. See the student presenters up close. Learn about...
April 10, 2013
10:29 AM
Undergraduate researchers explore their interests!
How did you find your mentor for year research, scholarship, or artistic project? Our group began looking for a research mentor by investigating the researcher profiles on the Computer Science...
April 8, 2013
9:15 AM
Undergraduate researchers explore their interests!
When and how did you find out that you could do independent research or creative work as a UMBC undergraduate? From the very beginning of my freshman year I had heard about the support given to...
April 1, 2013
9:18 AM
Be a part of an amazing day!
UMBC Students, Staff, Faculty, Individuals and Organizations all volunteer to help on the day of URCAD and in the days before and after. Sign up to be a part of UMBC's premiere campus-wide...
March 27, 2013
4:15 PM
Undergraduate researchers explore their interests!
How did you find your mentor for year research, scholarship, or artistic project? I took a course with my mentor, and during one of the classes she strongly encouraged students who wanted to go...
March 26, 2013
2:53 PM
Undergraduate researchers explore their interests!
How did you find your mentor for year research, scholarship, or artistic project? Our group began looking for a research mentor by investigating the researcher profiles on the Computer Science...
March 11, 2013
9:30 AM
Baltimore City Department of Recreation and Parks
URI internship expectations: Summer term: 180 hours; 10-12 weeks, 15-18 hours/week Most internships are unpaid; paid internships contingent upon funding- Academic credit may be applicable;...
March 5, 2013
1:53 PM
One-week international travel. Good for all majors
A 3-credit course that involves a week of research in Switzerland? Learn about this. Course teaching qualitative field research methods helpful in all majors. Plan ahead. Get the facts about this...
March 5, 2013
8:54 AM
Undergraduate researchers explore their interests!
How did you find your mentor for your research project? I have always been interested in research. In the summer of my sophomore year, I emailed Dr. Richard Karpel expressing my interest in his...
March 4, 2013
10:25 AM