The MEEC Member Conference and Vendor Showcase is Thursday, March 28, 2019 at Martin’s West in Windsor Mill, MD. The Conference will be a full day of presentations, exhibits and networking, designed to bring together MEEC Members and Vendors in both an educational and social atmosphere.
The sessions presented by MEEC Members and Vendors are critical to the success of this conference. Member sessions are always highly rated by our attendees. Evaluations from last year’s conference indicate attendees want more member-led sessions. PLEASE SUBMIT. Vendors, consider including a Member who has used your services or products and have a great story to tell. In the past, sessions have showcased case studies, their experiences, new tools, new ideas and new approaches to the use of products/services purchased from MEEC agreements. Here is your chance to help others by presenting on a topic that supports technology in education. (Please note the addition of Member-only Fast-Track Sessions.) Session Submissions open November 28 and the deadline for submission is January 16, 2019 at 5pm.
Member only Fast-track Sessions