In the past weeks, Dr. Liang Zhu from the ME S-STEM Scholarship Program visited two CCBC campuses (one in Catonsville, and the other in Essex) and one Montgomery Community College. The goal of the visit is to enhance collaboration between CCBC/MC and UMBC Mechanical Engineering program. Dr. Zhu gave a talk to students and faculty in those Community Colleges. Her talk consists of three parts: ME program at UMBC in general, Mechanical Engineering S-STEM Scholarship Program at UMBC, and ongoing research projects in her lab. Students asked many questions on the transfer process from Community Colleges to UMBC ME program, and on how to apply for the ME S-STEM scholarship. We hope that this kind of visits between UMBC and Community College will provide important information to Community College students, offer scholarship opportunity they can apply, and improve their transfer experience to the 4 year ME program at UMBC.