So, some of you may have noticed that the new myUMBC is NOW LIVE!!
We're pretty freakin' excited about it, and have received a lot of positive feedback. The most negative thing we've heard a few times is that the yellow background is causing severe abdominal discomfort. We're looking into it.
The launch went pretty smoothly, so all we have to report today are a few simple bug fixes that folks stumbled upon:
- Fixed a typo in the Dashboard.
- Updated the list of your upcoming spotlights to be a little more intuitive. We also made it so group members who can post spotlights can see all upcoming spotlights in a group so they don't post a duplicate.
- Group categories should now be copied on content.
- Tags should now be copied on spotlights.
- Prevented Graduate Applicant and Admit from being incorrectly selected after editing existing content.
- Added a Print This Page button to pages that load inside the myUMBC frame.
- Fixed audience bug that was affecting the iPhone app.
- Added some more "page moved" links for services.