OCSS is now accepting applications for the first-ever Commuter Engagement Community (CEC). This is an opportunity for new, first-year commuter students who want to leave their mark on UMBC while benefitting local communities.
The Commuter Engagement Community parallels the experience offered by Living-Learning Communities in residence halls. This CEC is being offered in conjunction with the Shriver Center and will allow UMBC commuters to connect with one another while positively impacting their communities. The CEC includes a one-credit class component, bi-weekly meetings to discuss student experiences, and immersive academic and social experiences. The CEC will also give participants an opportunity to be mentored by upperclassmen commuter students who successfully transitioned into life as a UMBC Retriever.
Participation in the CEC requires:
- Enrollment in OCSS's PRAC 096
- Enrollment in SOC 396 or the SOCY 396 independent study section
- Completion of a service assignment in the local community (3-5 hours per week)
- Participation in social and academic events
If you are interested in applying for the CEC, please complete the attached application and submit it by Friday, August 11th at 11:59pm. If you have questions for concerns, please contact Katie Weir, Coordinator for Commuter Engagement, at kweir@umbc.edu.