The Division of Student Affairs, in collaboration with partners across campus, is working closely with the United Way of Central Maryland to provide awareness and education about its information and referral service network, 211 Maryland.
Available to all Maryland residents, the United Way’s 211 Maryland is free, confidential, and multilingual, offering 24/7 guidance 365 days a year. It provides people with referrals to health, crisis, and social services and helps with problem solving. It is also a resource for government officials to make information available to Marylanders in the event of natural disasters or other crises.
This service is available by dialing 2-1-1 or visiting
UMBC is the first USM school to foster a relationship with 211 Maryland staff and be intentional about providing awareness and education to all members of the University community regarding these health and human services. Information about 211 Maryland is listed on UMBC’s Human Resources and the Division of Student Affairs websites, and a representative spoke to department heads across campus, Chartwells and ABM employees, Student Affairs staff, and the Professional Staff Senate. In addition, 211 Maryland staff members attended the Maryland Charity Campaign kickoff breakfast and the fall Faculty and Staff Health Benefits Fair. We will continue to share this resource with our community.
Please share this important service with your colleagues and students. If you would like an informational card(s) and signage to post in your department/office, or if you are interested in having a representative from 211 Maryland speak to your department/office, please call Student Affairs at 410-455-2393.