Juggling more than classes? Join leadership peer facilitator, Shree Kambhampati, in her WorkSMARTER, Not Harder virtual workshop as she explores the strategies of an essential leadership tool for all college students: time management.
Meet the Presenter:
Shree Kambhampati (she/her/hers), is a Sophomore Biology major at UMBC. Shree’s favorite color is blue and she loves Hershey’s Cookies & Cream chocolate. Shree believes that leadership is being able to possess traits and skills that can be able to lead a group. Her goals as a Leadership Peer Facilitator (LPF) is for others to gain leadership skills and to get to know more people. Outside of being a LPF, Shree is a member of the dance team and a member of the executive competition board. If you want to get to know Shree more, or follow up with her regarding her Virtual Leadershop you can email her at shreek1@umbc.edu!Stay up to date with all the virtual leadershops by following the Virtual Leadershop: Spring 2020 Series page!