Give a round of applause to our Summer 2020 Online Leadership Challenge winner: PAVANKUMAR UMASHANKAR!!! Pavankumar is an incoming first year student majoring in Chemical Engineering.
He has this to say about the challenge: “Reflecting back on the challenge, I have realized that I can engage in meaningful & effective conversations when I dedicate the time & effort. I have also realized that I haven't fully explored some components of one's social identity, like religion & spirituality, and hope to work on them in the future. And most importantly, I have been able to identify my core values, and hope to conduct my life accordingly. By understanding myself better through exploration of my values, goals, responsibilities and abilities, and through exploration of leadership themes, I believe I can make a positive impact at UMBC in the years to come.”
Congratulations again, Pavankumar! We look forward to seeing you and all that you’ll do during your time here at UMBC!
To all of our CHALLENGERS who participated and engaged with us: Thank you for taking on the challenge and contributing to the conversation! We hope that you discovered, or even rediscovered, the leader within you! The personal insights you shared and your inquiring minds were invaluable to the experience. We hope to see y’all at our upcoming leadership programs! Make sure to follow our myUMBC page and Instagram page @umbccampuslife to stay tuned for more leadership development opportunities to come.
For more information contact Coordinator for Leadership, Beatriz Gutierrez-Malagon at