Effective 02/21/2018 there has been a change to the subaward process. Procurement Office will no longer be involved in generating PO# for new subawards. Under the new process, the department will not request requisition # from the procurement office, and the Subaward # will be assigned by the OSP. Because of this change, the Invoice processing will change as well. After OSP’s initial invoice review an invoice with accompanying Invoice Checklist signed by OSP will be sent to the department for further review. After reviewing the PI and the Department will sign off on the checklist and provide it to the Accounts Payable as an attachment to the Payment Request. The payment request with incomplete checklist form will not be processed by the Accounts Payables and returned to the department. Please remember that per Uniform Guidance all error-free invoices should be processed by the university within 30 days. All invoice related errors or discrepancies should be reported to OSP Subaward Team.