Wednesday, September 15, 2010 9:00 am to 2:00 pm Club Meade, 6600 Mapes Road Open to all job seekers! Meet employers! Bring your resume! Free, frequent shuttle, to and from parking lot to the...
September 8, 2010
10:50 AM
Sunday, September 26th 1:00-3:00pm The Washington Plaza Hotel, 10 Thomas Circle N.W, Washington D.C As part of the 2010 National Out for Work Career Conference a Free Career Fair that will be...
September 8, 2010
10:45 AM
Wednesday, October 13, 2010 12:30 - 5:00 pm New Jersey Institute of Technology and Rutgers University - Newark At the NJIT Career Fair you will have the opportunity to: •Meet more than 100...
September 8, 2010
10:40 AM
Saturday, September 25, 2010 9:30am-4pm Commons 3rd Floor UMBC 2010 and 2011 graduates…YOU need to start your full-time job search in the FALL. Yes, the FALL! Employers will be on campus...
September 8, 2010
10:30 AM
Full Title: Professional Outplacement Assistance Center presents Twilight NetworkingSeptember 20, 2010 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM Front Parking Lot of the Columbia Workforce Center Who holds the key to...
September 8, 2010
10:25 AM
When: September 25-26 Where: Washington Plaza Hotel, Washington D.C. What to Expect: -Breakout sessions, workshops and panel discussions focused on being "out" in the workplace -Well known...
September 8, 2010
10:20 AM
Saturday, October 2, 2010 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM Towson University in Towson, Maryland. Presented by NASPA Region II and Towson University This conference is an chance for Students (Undergraduate and...
September 8, 2010
10:08 AM
The new Career Services Center website is up and running! Check it out at
September 8, 2010
10:00 AM
Enter at the Yum Shoppe by September 16.
Stop by Yum Shoppe on the ground floor of The Commons to enter to win a mini refrigerator filled with New Leaf Tea. Contest open to current UMBC students only. See store for rules and details.
September 7, 2010
9:51 PM
I’m asking some of the people you might encounter on the UMBC campus, including students, faculty and staff, to answer a few questions about themselves and their...
September 7, 2010
3:53 PM