The Shirley C. Sorensen Undergraduate Academic Excellence Award is bestowed in recognition of the numerous contributions Dr. Sorensen has made over many years to The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi and especially to the former five-campus chapter, University of Maryland Chapter 22 UM-UMBC.
The University of Maryland Baltimore Campuses chapter, Chapter 22 UM-UMBC, inducts members from the University Maryland Baltimore and the University of Maryland Baltimore County. Each spring, this chapter invites applications from its undergraduate student members for a $1,000 Shirley C. Sorensen Award.
Eligibility criteria for the award are as follows:
(1) Each undergraduate student applicant shall be a member of Chapter 22
(2) Each student applicant shall be selected on the basis of Academic Excellence
as demonstrated by outstanding grades, academic honors and recognition,
and activities in the University or in the Community.
(3) Each student applying for the Shirley C. Sorensen Award must complete the
application form below and submit it to the Director of Awards for
Chapter22 UM-UMBC.
The deadline for applications for the 2018 Shirley C. Sorensen Award is February 1, 2018. The winning applicant will be invited to attend a ceremony on April 8, 2018. Students at the University of Maryland Baltimore or the University of Maryland Baltimore County should submit their completed application along with an unofficial transcript by email to: