Welcome Back to the 2019-2020 Academic Year!
As president of Phi Kappa Phi Chapter 22 UM/UMBC, I’d like to take this opportunity to wish you the best in your endeavors this new academic year, be they in college or outside academia. A good beginning makes a big difference, and your election into Phi Kappa Phi indicates that you have set a strong foundation for a new year of exploration and learning.
This is an exciting year for Chapter 22 – founded in 1920, we will be celebrating our 100th anniversary in 2020 along with our fellow chapters at UMCP, UMUC and UMES. Keep your eyes open for chapter opportunities in the upcoming year including an Awards & Leadership Workshop in the fall, an Evening with Dr. Hrabowski on April 6th, and our Spring Initiation Ceremony on Sunday, April 19th.
Finally, I hope that you will take advantage of your Phi Kappa Phi membership by exploring the benefits available at https://www.phikappaphi.org/. Again, welcome to the new year, and as always, “let the love of learning rule humanity.”
All the best,
Connie Pierson