Men Of Honor since 1850
Delta Sigma Chapter 2006
In the beginning of the spring 2002 semester, a
group of fifteen inspired, young men set out on a quest to become a recognized
fraternity on the UMBC campus.
With that in mind, they decided to try and form
a local fraternity. Each felt that the core values and the primary foundation
of a brotherhood was that of respect, integrity, scholastic excellence, trust,
and brotherly love. Each member of the fraternity was a unique piece brought
together to form a linked chain, in the sense that a group is only as strong as
its weakest link. These ideas formed the foundation of the Omega Nu Epslion
(ONE) fraternity at UMBC.
These values are what then inspired many other
young men from the campus to become interested in the growing local chapter as
well. With a good underground rush that next semester, the group's next goal
was to become a recognized fraternity on the UMBC campus.
Phi Kappa Sigma and the group seemed to be a
perfect fit for one another. The core values of the fraternity were very
similar to that instilled by the group originally. It was also very ideal for
them due to the mass amount of brothers from other chapters locally to them.
Phi Kappa Sigma also outlined very clearly what needed to be done and who
needed to be contacted to form a new colony. Before long, the group became a
recognized colony of the Phi Kappa Sigma Fraternity.
Throughout the following semesters, the group
rushed many new members to strengthen numbers and to strengthen their
brotherhood. They also tried to establish themselves as an integral part of the
Greek community by building relations with the campus's sororities, conducting
philanthropies such as canned good and clothing drives, fundraising for Phi
Kappa Sigma's national philanthropy, The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, and
participating in many campus activities such as intramurals and donating money
and time to other Greeks fundraisers.
These many fundraisers have also led to the
fraternity having excellent financial standing. Phi Kappa Sigma has become a
strong player in the UMBC community by strengthening relations through various
social events and contributing to businesses in the local Catonsville/Arbutus
area. We finally earned our charter on February 25, 2006 proudly making us the
Delta Sigma Chapter of Phi Kappa Sigma.
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