AWM is sponsoring a day of training and then interactions on Capitol Hill with legislators advocating for support of stem fields and particularly women and minorities in math.
This is the official information which has been circulated by the AWM:
Join the AWM for our Capitol Hill Day visit in conjunction with the Joint
Math Meetings in Baltimore, in January 2019.
See the attached flyer and sign up via our google interest form here!
What is it?
This visit gives AWM members a chance to meet with the offices of their
Senators and Representatives to advocate for legislation affecting women
and other underrepresented groups in the mathematical sciences and in STEM
fields in general.
Who can participate?
-college students, math majors or not, with an AWM chapter or as an individual
-grad students
-mathematicians in industry and government jobs
-math majors who now do computer science, data science, or consulting, or
-something else entirely
-anyone who thinks that supporting STEM programs is a good idea
When will it be?
This will be an all-day activity on Tuesday, January 15, 2019. We’ll have
training in the morning, then travel into DC for Congressional meetings in
the afternoon. We will also have an informal meet-and-greet on the evening
on Monday, January 14. AWM doesn’t have funding to bring students in for
Hill Day, but in timing it with the JMM, we hope to provide an opportunity
for more to participate!
Why this matters!
We know there are many benefits to the AWM Hill Day, and hope you find it
to be a rewarding experience:
AWM brings issues of importance to our Congressional representatives,
AWM Members have the opportunity to visit the Hill and learn more about
the legislative process, and
All participants have a phenomenal networking opportunity, to meet women
across sectors (academia, government and industry) and at all stages of
the career spectrum!
Congressional offices now see AWM as a valuable resource. Because of these
visits, offices and committees have turned to AWM on issues concerning
women in math-related fields, from awarding Congressional Medals of Honor
to the women of Hidden Figures, to bills addressing sexual harassment.
Here is a presentation with information about AWM Capitol Hill Day:
****To officially register for the JMM Hill Day, *each participant* should
fill out the following google doc:
-Note that you can list Senators and Representatives from multiple
states/districts if you have connections there.
The deadline for registration is *December 15*, but if you already know
you want to come, it helps if you fill it out sooner!
For more information on our Hill Visits, see our AWM Newsletter article in
the Jan-Feb 2018 (Advocating for STEM: A Capitol Idea!) and the
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