MathFest 2019 in Cincinnati, OH, is about 5 months away, and the PME Council is looking forward to seeing as many PME members as possible.
PME offers financial support for student members attending MathFest; this includes up to $600 in transportation per speaker and up to $300 in transportation for your chapter's official delegate (max of $1,500 per chapter), $350 in subsistence (to every speaker and delegate), and a free PME Banquet ticket.
You may not be aware, but the MAA is no longer offering travel support to student presenters. Therefore, please strongly encourage your students to attend MathFest as a PME speaker or your chapter's official delegate. Only students who are PME members by June 1, 2019 are eligible for PME funding; so make sure to induct all eligible students before this deadline.
In order to receive PME support, students should visit the PME MathFest Website and complete the TWO-STEP Application Process, following all directions on that page:
- First, apply to be a PME Speaker or Delegate. This must be done by June 14, 2019.
- Second, register for MathFest. This should be done by April 15, 2019, in order to receive theMAA early-bird rate.
Complete details for each of these two steps are located on the PME MathFest Website, including step-by-step directions and travel funding policies. Please follow all directions on PME's website.