Hey Political Science Students,
The UMBC Center for Democracy and Civic Life will be holding a virtual election event called Election Night Extravaganza.
Election Night Extravaganza is a UMBC tradition that brings members of our community together to watch and discuss election results in real time. Coming together at the end of an election has never been more important. This has been a divisive election season that has coincided with a pandemic, circumstances that can easily pull us apart. We are a community, and will continue to be a community after the election.
Connect on Discord and WebEx with UMBC students, staff, faculty, and alumni to share space, offer reactions and insights, and learn more about Election 2020. RSVP required to receive an invitation to the various virtual spaces. Please use this link to RSVP.
To celebrate in style, we are also offering a limited number of Cast Your Whole Vote-themed packages that include a t-shirt, stickers, a button, and a tote bag. To request your package, follow this link.
The election packages have been made possible through contributions from the Center for Democracy and Civic Life, the Center for Social Science Scholarship, the Department of Political Science, the Graduate Student Association, the Resident Student Association, the Sondheim Public Affairs Scholars Program, and the Student Government Association.
Election Extravaganza 2020 is coordinated by the Center for Democracy and Civic Life in partnership with the Student Government Association (SGA) and the Graduate Student Association (GSA), with support from student representatives from College Democrats, College Republicans, the Department of Political Science, the Center for Women in Technology (CWIT) Scholars Program, the Grand Challenges Scholars Program, the Honors College, the Meyerhoff Scholars Program, Moot Court, the Resident Student Association (RSA), the Shriver Center, the Sondheim Scholars Program, the Student Events Board (seb), and Women Involved in Learning & Leadership (WILL+).
For questions, please email civiclife@umbc.edu.