Our generation has grown up with a dysfunctional political
system that seems exhausting. But it wasn't always like this. Our parents and
grandparents remember the days when Democrats and Republicans could sit down
and actually talk with each other.
But let's face it, if there is one thing we can all agree on it's this: we are
tired of the partisan fighting. Now more than ever, we need to bring fellow
Americans and our leaders together to solve problems after this election.
On Saturday, November 14th at 2PM ET, Youth Congress members will take part in
a conversation with No Labels Chief Strategist Ryan Clancy and two members of
Congress from the House Problem Solvers Caucus- a group of 25 Democratic and 25
Republican House members who work together to put country over party. From
there, we'll get to know each other through an interactive breakout session
before receiving a post-election briefing from Ryan Clancy.
The No Labels Youth Congress provides a rare opportunity for tomorrow's leaders
(ages 16-35) to learn from and with each other and to help grow a movement
whose mission - of bringing our leaders together to solve problems - suddenly
has a new urgency.
Register here for this free, virtual event: https://www.nolabels.org/uni_nlyc
No Labels Virtual Event
Bi Partisan Discussion
Hey Political Science Students,
Labels, a non-profit bipartisan organization based in DC, is holding a virtual
discussion. For more information on how to take part in the discussion, see their invitation and attached flyer below.